Koin was created in my Design and Visual Communication II class, where we were tasked to develop a solution that promotes healthier cities. One important aspect of a healthy city is being financially healthy. From the financial struggles of the pandemic, I thought Koin would be a great way to promote saving and educate millennials without relying on high education.
Koin is an app that I’ve created to help millennials achieve financial security. The app allows millennials to compete in financial trivia games against friends and earn koins. By saving koins, users can earn gift cards and other rewards. Koin offers different learning courses for each financial topic such as investments, credit, personal finance, mortgage, and other locked levels. Users can also post their advice and real-life experiences to provide financial tips and tricks for other users. 
Halfway through designing a visual identity, I decided that my visuals were not working how I wanted them too. My other ideas lacked cohesive branding elements, including color and type.The idea of money dominated the overall branding. Koin came into mind when thinking about icons that could represent my idea. After doing research, I came across the Koi fish that represents good fortune, success, and longevity.
Brand Guidelines
Koin App
Koin Time-Based Piece
Koin Pitch (Pitch Competition Winner)
Overall, this project was a success. I was able to present my work in the Design and Visual Communication Entrepreneur Showcase. I received great feedback from friends, families, and classmates. Due to Covid-19, the showcase was held online so I was not able to present my work in-person. I received great feedback from the judges about my presentation and was a Pitch Competition Winner.
Process Work

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